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Pipeline Pigging

Pigging pipelines is one service that is extremely important and useful in the pipeline industry. Pipeline services utilize dependable electronic and mechanical equipment when safeguarding existing pipelines.

Pigging Importance

An important procedure in the pipeline industry is pigging. Pigging is a form of flow security for oil and gas pipelines to ensure that lines run smoothly. The pigging operation assists in the removal of products that remain in pipelines. After a successful hydrotest, pigging may begin.

Necessity of Hydrotesting

Hydrotesting checks the pressure in pipelines for its strengths and weaknesses. Once the construction of the pipeline is complete and all the fluids are in the pipeline, the following procedure is to draw those fluids out. After a successful hydrotest, the individuals can start the pigging operation. Whether it is water or whatever one may use to achieve a hydrotest, the next phase of operation is to make sure all of that product is pushed out of the pipelines. In most instances, the pigging process takes place when the pipelines are about five to 40 miles long. Therefore, any product that is put in it, can be utilized with the pigging operation to take it out.

Determining the Success of a Pigging Operation

A pipeline must be cleared out before the drying process begins. Construction may resume after both pigging and drying are complete. Velocity then ensure that pigging operations were successful. In conclusion, pigging operations are as complex as they sound. Pigging pipelines are essential for the transportation of oil and gas substances.

In conclusion, pigging operations are as complex as they sound; therefore, the process itself takes an entire team to get the job done. Pigging pipelines are basic components for the transportation of oil and gas substances.

Velocity provides nearly every type of pressure testing, torqueing, and pipeline service our customers need through the expertise of our operating company based in Odessa, Texas. As an specialized service provider, we offer a myriad of services, which include pressure testing, drying, pigging, de-watering, chemical cleaning, and commissioning. No matter the size of your project, Velocity can accommodate all of your needs.

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Phone:  (432) 813-0593

Address:  4315 S. CR 1297 Odessa, TX 79765

Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8AM to 5PM

Crews: Available 24/7

Headquarters in Odessa, TX

© 2021 by VELOCITY

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